Creative coding must have some special meaning...?

It draws a word "早寝" (go to bed early) on the background paint.

Do you feel something special in this generative art?

It's a generative art of a word on the background drawing.

The word is selected randomly and the random drawings generator in the code draws the background drawing. The code was written in the 'Processing' programming language.

Any word on this drawing is a plain word, and it has no special meanings at all. I'm interested in the feeling of the people who saw this generative art. If they saw the words on the expressive background, they may think there must be some special meanings in plain words.

Whatever the background drawing with my random drawings generator is beautiful or not. 🤣

The 'Processing' example code.

Please feel free to use this Processing example code under the terms of the GPL.
To see another works based on my code is my pleasure. And my honor.

What a shame! 😱
I wrote such a stupidable code like this.
float valSat = map(random(1.0), 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 20.0);

I've fixed it. Thank you  幽谷響 (@x_YAMABIKO_x) for your indication.

// No Words.
// Processing 3.2.1
// written : 2018.01.08
// updated : 2019.02.09
// map(random(1.0), 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 20.0) -> random(20.0) etc.

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
class Words {

  PFont wFont;
  String[][] wItems;
  int wNo;

  Words() {

    wItems = new String[][] {
      {"灰汁", "lye"},
      {"生際", "hairline"},
      {"親猫", "parent cat"},
      {"小魚", "small fish"},
      {"粗茶", "tea"},
      {"太腿", "thighs"},
      {"唐芋", "sweet potate"},
      {"音頭", "lead"},
      {"若輩", "greenhorn"},
      {"土間", "floor mold"},
      {"六畳", "six tatami mat"},
      {"膝頭", "kneecap"},
      {"茶筒", "tea canister"},
      {"賃貸", "rent"},
      {"運賃", "fare"},
      {"鎮座", "enshrinement"},
      {"陳謝", "apologize"},
      {"金柑", "kumquat"},
      {"薀蓄", "extensive knowledge"},
      {"古風", "old-fashioned"},
      {"離脱", "breakaway"},
      {"焼飯", "fried rice"},
      {"単品", "single item"},
      {"弱音", "complaint"},
      {"早寝", "go to bed early"},
      {"脇腹", "flank"},
      {"猿股", "undershorts"},
      //      {"", ""},

    wNo = (int)random(wItems.length);

    //  println(PFont.list());
    // wFont = createFont("Sazanami Mincho Regular",48,true);
    //  wFont = createFont("KouzanBrushFontGyousyo",128,true);
    //  wFont = createFont("KouzanBrushFont",128,true);
    //  wFont = createFont("aoyagireisyosimo2",128,true);
        wFont = createFont("KouzanBrushFontSousyo",128,true);


  void drawWord() {

    int pgW = 420;
    int pgH = 200;
    PGraphics pg = createGraphics(pgW, pgH);
    pg.colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 100);
    pg.background(0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 100.0);
    pg.fill(0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 100.0);
    pg.text(wItems[wNo][0], 0, pgH - 20);

    translate(-pgW / 2.0, -pgH / 2.0);

    for (int idxW = 0; idxW < pg.width; idxW += 1) {  
      for (int idxH = 0; idxH < pg.height; idxH += 1) {

        color c = pg.pixels[idxH * pg.width + idxW];
        if (brightness(c) != 100.0) {
          float valSat = random(20.0);
          float valBri = brightness(c) * 0.4;
          float valSiz = random(5.0);
          float valAlp = random(60.0);

          fill(210.0, valSat, valBri, valAlp);
          ellipse(idxW, idxH, valSiz, valSiz);




/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
class Clouds {

  int cntWidthMax;
  int divRotate;
  int cntRotateMax;
  float baseCloudSize, initCloudSize;
  float baseColor;
  float petalBaseFrom, petalBaseTo, petalDivFrom, petalDivTo;

  Clouds() {
    divRotate = 1;  // divide 360 degree
    cntRotateMax = 30 * 360 * divRotate;  // draw while rotating
    cntWidthMax = 4;  // repeat same shape with different ellipse size
    initCloudSize = 250;
    baseCloudSize = initCloudSize;
    baseColor = random(360);

  void drawClouds() {

    float noiseHueStart = random(100.0);
    float noiseBriStart = random(100.0);
    float noiseAlpStart = random(100.0);
    float noiseSatStart = random(100.0);
    float noiseShpStart = random(100.0);

    for (int cntWidth = 1; cntWidth <= cntWidthMax; ++cntWidth) {
      float noiseHue = noiseHueStart;
      float noiseSat = noiseSatStart;
      float noiseBri = noiseBriStart;
      float noiseAlp = noiseAlpStart;
      float noiseShp = noiseShpStart;

      float prmSat = 1.0;
      float prmSiz = cntWidth / 2.0;
      float sumRotation = 0;

      for (int cntRotate = 0; cntRotate < cntRotateMax; ++cntRotate) {

        // rotate fixed degree and calculate the plot point
        float rotation = 1.0 / divRotate;
        sumRotation += rotation * map(noise(noiseShp), 0.0, 1.0, -0.6, 1.0);

        float posDot = baseCloudSize * (sin(radians(sumRotation)) + map(noise(noiseShp / 2.0), 0.0, 1.0, -0.2, 0.8));
        float brushHue = (baseColor + 360 + map(noise(noiseHue), 0.0, 1.0, -30.0, 30)) % 360;
        float brushSat = map(noise(noiseSat), 0.0, 1.0, 10.0, 40.0) * prmSat;
        float brushBri = map(noise(noiseBri), 0.0, 1.0, 70.0, 90.0) / prmSiz;
        float brushAlp = map(noise(noiseAlp), 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3.0) * posDot / baseCloudSize;
        float brushSiz = map(noise(noiseBri), 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 100.0 * prmSiz);

        drawCloud(posDot, brushHue, brushSat, brushBri, brushAlp, brushSiz);

        // Gas 
        if (cntWidth == cntWidthMax) {
          float distDot = random(4.0);
          drawCloud(posDot * distDot,
                    brushSat * 2.0 * posDot * distDot / baseCloudSize,
                    brushBri * 1.0,
                    brushAlp * distDot,
                    brushSiz * 2.0

        noiseHue += 0.0005;
        noiseSat += 0.0001;
        noiseBri += 0.0002;
        noiseAlp += 0.0003;
        noiseShp += 0.0004;




  void drawCloud(float brushPosition, float brushHue, float brushSat, float brushBri, float brushAlp, float brushSiz) {

    fill(brushHue, brushSat, brushBri, brushAlp);
    ellipse(0.0, brushPosition, brushSiz, brushSiz);


  void drawLines() {

    background(0, 0, 90, 100);

    float sizeBase = 15.0;
    float cxnoiseDivBase = random(0.00001, 0.0003);
    float cynoiseBase = random(30.0);
    float csnoiseBase = random(360.0);
    float radiusBase = 200.0;
    float cxnoise = 0.0;
    float cynoise = cynoiseBase;
    float csnoise = csnoiseBase;
    float cxnoiseDiv = cxnoiseDivBase;
    float cynoiseDiv = 0.0001;
    float csnoiseDiv = 0.000005;
    int iangleMax = 360 * 68;

    for (int iangle = 0; iangle <= iangleMax; ++iangle) {

      radiusBase += radiusBase * 0.00006;
      float ang = iangle * 0.05;
      float radius = radiusBase * map(customNoise(cxnoise) + customNoise(cynoise), -2.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.3);
      float ePtX = radius * cos(radians(ang));
      float ePtY = radius * sin(radians(ang));
      float eSiz = (1.0 + abs(customNoise(csnoise)) * sizeBase) * map(iangle, 0.0, iangleMax, 0.01, 1.0);
      float eAlp = map(abs(customNoise(csnoise)), 0.0, 1.0, 100.0, 0.0);

      stroke(0.0, 0.0, 70.0, eAlp);
      line(ePtX, ePtY, radius * cos(radians(ang + 0.1)), radius * sin(radians(ang + 0.1)));

      cxnoise += cxnoiseDiv;
      cynoise += cynoiseDiv;
      csnoise += csnoiseDiv;



  float customNoise(float value) {
    return cos(pow(value, 2));

  void canvasRotation(float degrees) {
  void zooming(float zoomRate) {
    baseCloudSize = initCloudSize * zoomRate;

  float getBaseColor() {
    return baseColor;


/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Clouds cd;
Words wd;

void setup() {

  size(630, 1020);
  colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 100);

  cd = new Clouds();  
  wd = new Words();  


void draw() {

  background(cd.getBaseColor(), 10.0, 95.0, 100.0);
            map(random(1.0), 0.0, 1.0, width * 0.3, width * 0.6),
            map(random(1.0), 0.0, 1.0, height * 0.3, height * 0.7)




Copyright (C) 2018- deconbatch

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>

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