Creative coding work of a node garden with specific slant lines.

A result of limiting the slant angle in node garden.

It's a creative coding work of node garden technique. It draws lines in a specific slant angle. The code is written in the 'Processing' programming language.

I calculated the node location with the De Jong strange attractors formula. It's a derivative work of my creative coding 'Flesh and Bone'.

And I tried to connect the nodes with a specific slant angle. You can get different looks by tunning the slant angle with the 'divSlant' value.

float divSlant   = PI * 0.02;
An example image of limiting the slant angle in node garden.

float divSlant   = PI * 1.0;
An example image of limiting the slant angle in node garden.


The 'Processing' example code.

This code does not display any images on the screen but generates image files in frames directory.

Please feel free to use this example code under the terms of the GPL.
To see other works based on my code is my pleasure. And my honor.

 * Little Scratch.
 * draws a node garden with specific slant lines.
 * Processing 3.5.3
 * @author @deconbatch
 * @version 0.1
 * created 0.1 2020.04.19

void setup() {

  size(980, 980, P2D);
  colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 100);


void draw() {
  int   frmMax  = 3;  // draw three images
  int   copyMax = floor(random(2, 7));
  float slant   = random(HALF_PI);
  float baseHue = random(360.0);

  for (int frmCnt = 0; frmCnt < frmMax; frmCnt++) {

    copyMax %= 5;
    copyMax += 2;
    slant += HALF_PI;
    slant %= PI;
    baseHue += 120.0;

    ArrayList<PVector> pvs = calcShape(floor(random(40)), floor(random(20.0, 40.0)));

    // draw scratch
    PGraphics pg = createGraphics(width * 2, height * 2, P2D);
    pg.colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 100);
    pg.background(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    pg.translate(width, height);
    pg = drawScratchs(pg, pvs, slant, baseHue, 1.0);
    pg = drawScratchs(pg, pvs, slant, baseHue, 0.1);

    // copy scratch image while rotating
    background((baseHue + 180.0) % 360.0, 5.0, 90.0, 100.0);
    translate(width * 0.5, height * 0.5);
    for (int i = 0; i < copyMax; i++) {
      rotate(TWO_PI / copyMax);
      image(pg, -width * 1.0, -height * 1.0);

    saveFrame("frames/" + String.format("%04d", frmCnt + 1) + ".png");

 * calcShape : calculate some shape and stock these in PVector ArrayList.
 * @param  _seed    : selection seed of parameters of De Jong attractor.
 * @param  _calcMax : calculation number.
 * @return calculated results as ArrayList<PVector>.

ArrayList calcShape(int _seed, int _calcMax) {

  Dna   dna      = new Dna();
  int   dnaMax   = floor(random(25, 35));
  float pDivFrom = random(0.01, 0.2);
  float pDivTo   = 0.25;
  ArrayList<PVector> pvs = new ArrayList<PVector>();

  for (int dnaCnt = 0; dnaCnt < dnaMax; dnaCnt++) {
    float[] dnas = dna.getDna(dnaCnt + _seed);
    float djA    = dnas[0];
    float djB    = dnas[1];
    float djC    = dnas[2];
    float djD    = dnas[3];
    float pDiv   = map(dnaCnt, 0, dnaMax, pDivFrom, pDivTo);

    float prevX = 0.0;
    float prevY = 0.0;
    float currX = 0.0;
    float currY = 0.0;
    for (int calcCnt = 0; calcCnt < _calcMax; calcCnt++) {

      currX += pDiv * (sin(djA * prevY) - cos(djB * prevX));
      currY += pDiv * (sin(djC * prevX) - cos(djD * prevY));
      pvs.add(new PVector(currX, currY));

      prevX = currX;
      prevY = currY;
  return pvs;

 * drawScratchs : draws node garden with specific slant.
 * @param  _pg      : drawing target.
 * @param  _pvs     : draw with these points.
 * @param  _slant   : condition to draw line.
 * @param  _baseHue : draw color.
 * @param  _bold    : line weight.
PGraphics drawScratchs(PGraphics _pg, ArrayList<PVector> _pvs, float _slant, float _baseHue, float _bold) {

  PGraphics pg = _pg;
  float baseWeight = 0.2;
  float baseRadius = min(width, height) / 5.5;
  float divSlant   = PI * 0.02;

  for (PVector fpv : _pvs) {
    for (PVector tpv : _pvs) {

      float distance = dist(fpv.x, fpv.y, tpv.x, tpv.y);
      float valSlant = _slant * distance;
      float slant = atan2(fpv.x - tpv.x, fpv.y - tpv.y);

      if (
          distance > 0.3 && distance < 0.4 &&
          (((slant) > valSlant - divSlant && (slant) < valSlant + divSlant) ||
           ((slant) > valSlant + HALF_PI - divSlant && (slant) < valSlant + HALF_PI + divSlant))
          ) {
        float lHue = _baseHue + noise(fpv.x * 0.5, fpv.y * 0.5) * 360.0;
        float lWgt = _bold * baseWeight * pow(dist(fpv.x, fpv.y, 0.0, 0.0) + dist(tpv.x, tpv.y, 0.0, 0.0), 2);
                  lHue % 360.0,
                  noise(10.0, tpv.x, tpv.y) * 60.0 + 10.0,
                  30.0 + noise(fpv.x, fpv.y) * 30.0,
                baseRadius * fpv.x,
                baseRadius * fpv.y,
                baseRadius * tpv.x,
                baseRadius * tpv.y

  return pg;

 * casing : draw fancy casing
private void casing() {
  fill(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  stroke(0.0, 0.0, 30.0, 100.0);
  rect(0.0, 0.0, width, height);
  stroke(0.0, 0.0, 90.0, 100.0);
  rect(0.0, 0.0, width, height);

 * Dna : hold nice shape parameters.
class Dna {

  ArrayList<float[]> dnaList;

  Dna() {

    float[][] dnas = {
      {1.573155, -0.97604156, -0.49153805, -1.7673008},
      {-1.5568858, -1.5821334, -1.2908077, -1.0470141},
      { 1.5649674 , 1.2574794 , -1.3866975 , 1.173096 },
      { 0.9671733 , 1.4473511 , -1.5457076 , 0.95127994 },
      { 1.0348322 , 0.81519204 , -1.1046926 , 1.5648632 },
      { 1.4077392 , -0.9176125 , -1.53935 , -1.5119051 },
      { 1.3408806 , -0.9036783 , 1.3128784 , 0.79536873 },
      {-0.6002734, 1.6509838, 1.8099892, -1.0964627},
      {-1.0119417, 0.9379139, 1.3950387, 1.7682558},
      {-1.2209034, -1.9364693, 1.624037, -0.89463496},
      {-5.6786957, -0.93300486, -4.7100835, -0.86868095},
      {3.0192666, 5.01946, 0.23271036, 4.283874},
      { 1.5101616 , 1.3572946 , -0.89910567 , 1.4545844 },
      { 1.0751489 , 1.3426301 , -1.2923251 , -1.3146731 },
      { 1.196357 , -1.3442354 , -1.0326693 , -1.5694741 },
      { 1.526092 , 1.3366599 , -1.5353475 , 1.3622558 },
      { -1.9639189, -1.0532432, -1.9515417, -1.8730514 },
      {0.17204833, -1.7023778, 0.56470084, 1.963506},
      {-1.7607841, 0.13966942, -5.155236, 1.4487796},
      {-6.049018, 0.49595308, -1.7822785, -1.1959248},
      {-4.2884464, 0.42032194, -5.962751, 0.9008169},
      {-2.9124858, -1.4772496, -0.30669212, -4.9316893},
      {-5.3870864, 0.39404726, 1.0241723, 0.13013983},
      {-3.1428738, -4.468939, -6.256246, 1.3021169},
      {-2.870747, -2.4616163, -4.7040024, -2.4886005},
      {0.9220147, -2.0222144, -3.1428738, -4.468939},
      {-6.256246, 1.3021169, -2.870747, -2.4616163},
      {-4.7040024, -2.4886005, 0.9220147, -2.0222144},
      {0.1540699, -4.540351, -4.6457214, -3.8987062},
      {-1.7874193, -0.72684574, -3.1294382, -1.4022603},
      {-5.1447663, -4.6244364, -4.069439, -5.714358},
      {-2.928878, 0.4832754, -5.476948, 0.911829},
      {-3.372396, -2.7084184, -0.048303604, -5.2428102},
      {-5.2290826, -2.9551427, -0.7620654, 0.34173155},
      {-0.8842368, -5.7219005, -2.2207985, -1.7856398},
      {-3.2614524, -2.27459, -2.7425416, -1.407464},
      {-3.6108994, -5.235996, -1.368794, -5.20981},
      {-0.7145872, -5.5336375, -4.5006967, -0.41348505},
      {-4.160388, 0.6020603, -5.830311, -3.9082444},
      {-3.001356, -3.566355, -0.6485257, -5.3272343},
      {-3.8158128, -2.0423813, -5.5336375, -4.5006967}

    dnaList = new ArrayList<float[]>();
    for (float[] dna : dnas) {


  float[] getDna(int i) {
    float[] dnaChose = dnaList.get(i % dnaList.size());
    return dnaChose;

  float[] getRandomDna() {
    int choice = floor(random(dnaList.size()));
    float[] dnaChose = dnaList.get(choice);
    return dnaChose;


Copyright (C) 2020- deconbatch

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>


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